
  • 2022年3月24日


    When you purchase a new car or appliance, you may be offered an extended service contract, also known as an extended warranty. This is a service agreement that covers the cost of repairs and replacements after the manufacturer`s warranty has expired. But who pays for these contracts, and how long do they last?

    Typically, the consumer pays for an extended service contract at the time of purchase. Some contracts may be included in the overall price of the item, while others may be offered as an add-on. It`s important to read the contract carefully and understand what is covered and what is not. Some contracts may have deductibles or exclusions for certain types of damage, so it`s important to know what you`re getting.

    The length of an extended service contract can vary depending on the type of item being covered. For a car, the contract may last anywhere from three to seven years or longer. For appliances and electronics, the contracts may last for one to three years. It`s important to note that the length of the contract may not necessarily correlate with the lifespan of the item. For example, a car may last for 10 years or more, but the extended service contract may only cover the first seven years.

    When considering an extended service contract, it`s important to weigh the costs and benefits. The cost of the contract may vary depending on the item being covered and the length of the contract. In some cases, the cost of the contract may outweigh the potential cost of repairs or replacements. It`s important to consider the reliability of the item and the likelihood of needing repairs or replacements in the future.

    Overall, extended service contracts can provide peace of mind and financial protection for consumers. However, it`s important to read the contract carefully and understand the costs and benefits before making a decision. As always, it`s important to do your research and shop around for the best deal.

  • 2022年3月22日


    When purchasing a motor vehicle in Kenya, it is crucial to have a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of the sale. A motor vehicle sales agreement is a written contract between the seller and buyer that establishes the agreed-upon terms of the transaction, including the price, payment method, and any warranties or guarantees.

    In Kenya, there are specific legal requirements that must be met when drafting a motor vehicle sales agreement. The document must include the names and addresses of both the seller and buyer, the vehicle`s make and model, the agreed-upon purchase price, and any conditions or warranties attached to the sale.

    Additionally, the agreement must detail the payment terms, including the amount of the upfront deposit, the payment schedule, and any penalties or fees for late payments or default. This is particularly important in cases where the buyer is financing the vehicle purchase through a loan from a bank or other financial institution.

    The sales agreement should also include a clause outlining the transfer of ownership of the vehicle. In Kenya, the process for transferring ownership involves obtaining a transfer of ownership form from the Kenya Revenue Authority, which must be signed by both the buyer and seller and presented at the National Transport and Safety Authority.

    It is essential to ensure that the motor vehicle sales agreement complies with all relevant Kenyan laws and regulations to avoid any legal disputes or issues later on. The agreement must be signed and dated by both parties and may require notarization or other legal formalities.

    In conclusion, a motor vehicle sales agreement is a critical document when purchasing a vehicle in Kenya. It protects both the buyer and seller by establishing a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the transaction and ensuring compliance with Kenyan laws and regulations. When drafting a motor vehicle sales agreement, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a legal professional experienced in Kenyan contract law to ensure its validity and enforceability.

  • 2022年3月14日


    A foundation agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the governance structure and objectives of a company, organization, or charity. It is commonly used in civil law jurisdictions and is also known as a ‘charter’ or ‘articles of association’.

    The foundation agreement sets out the rules and regulations for the functioning of the organization, including its decision-making procedures, membership, and powers. It also defines the responsibilities and duties of the directors and officers of the company.

    The primary purpose of a foundation agreement is to provide clarity and transparency to all stakeholders, including investors, members, and employees. It ensures that the organization operates within the legal framework and complies with regulatory requirements.

    The foundation agreement typically includes the following key provisions:

    1. Objectives: This section defines the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.

    2. Governance: The section outlines the structure of the organization, including the appointment and removal of directors and officers, as well as the procedures for decision-making.

    3. Membership: This section sets out the criteria for membership, voting rights, and membership fees.

    4. Finances: The section defines the financial obligations of the members, including the funding sources, budget, and accounting procedures.

    5. Amendments: The foundation agreement can be amended either by the members or the directors, subject to certain conditions.

    In addition to these provisions, the foundation agreement may also include terms relating to indemnification, liability, and dispute resolution.

    In summary, the foundation agreement is a critical document in providing structure and governance to an organization. It is important to ensure that the foundation agreement is drafted by an experienced legal professional and is regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant. This will help to avoid potential legal issues and conflicts down the line.

  • 2022年3月5日


    As a seller, you may be wondering if you can back out of a binding agreement. The answer is not straightforward, as it depends on the terms of the agreement and the laws of the state where the agreement was made.

    In general, a binding agreement is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction between two or more parties. Once both parties have signed the agreement, they are legally bound to follow its terms.

    However, there may be circumstances under which a seller can back out of a binding agreement. For example, if the buyer breaches the agreement by not fulfilling their end of the bargain, the seller may be able to cancel the agreement and retain any money or goods that have already been exchanged.

    Additionally, if the seller becomes incapacitated or dies before the transaction is completed, the agreement may be cancelled. In some cases, a seller may be able to cancel the agreement if they can prove that the buyer made fraudulent representations or misrepresentations.

    If none of these circumstances apply, a seller may still be able to back out of a binding agreement, but they may face legal consequences. Depending on the terms of the agreement, the buyer may be entitled to specific performance, which means that they can force the seller to fulfill their obligations under the agreement.

    The seller may also be liable for damages if they breach the agreement without a lawful excuse. These damages may include the cost of finding a replacement product or service, as well as any lost profits that the buyer would have earned if the agreement had been fulfilled.

    In summary, a seller can typically back out of a binding agreement only under specific circumstances, such as if the buyer breaches the agreement or if the seller becomes incapacitated or dies. In other cases, the seller may face legal consequences for breaching the agreement. It is important to carefully review the terms of any agreement before signing, and to consult with a lawyer if you have any questions or concerns.