
  • 2022年1月11日


    Partnership Agreement Meaning in Urdu: Everything You Need to Know

    Partnership is a common business structure in which two or more individuals combine their resources and skills to start a new venture. A partnership agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the roles and responsibilities of each partner, the share of profits and losses, and the decision-making process.

    In Urdu, a partnership agreement is referred to as “شراکت نامہ” (Shirkat Nama). It is a legal document that defines the rights and obligations of partners in a business venture. A partnership agreement is crucial for establishing a framework for the smooth operation of the business and for resolving potential disputes between partners.

    A partnership agreement typically includes the following provisions:

    1. Name and Purpose of the Partnership: The agreement should clearly state the name and purpose of the partnership.

    2. Contributions of Each Partner: The agreement should specify the contributions of each partner, such as capital, property, or services.

    3. Allocation of Profits and Losses: The agreement should stipulate how profits and losses will be shared among the partners. This may be based on the percentage of ownership or a different arrangement agreed upon by the partners.

    4. Management and Decision-Making: The agreement should establish the decision-making authority and responsibilities of each partner. It should also outline the procedures for making important decisions, such as hiring employees or entering into contracts.

    5. Term and Termination: The agreement should specify the duration of the partnership and the conditions under which it may be terminated.

    6. Dispute Resolution: The agreement should include provisions for resolving disputes between partners. This may involve mediation, arbitration, or another form of alternative dispute resolution.

    In summary, a partnership agreement is a crucial legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership. It is essential for the smooth operation of the business and for resolving potential disputes between partners. If you are considering starting a partnership in Urdu-speaking countries, it is important to ensure that your partnership agreement is written in Urdu and is legally enforceable. It is also advisable to seek the guidance of a legal professional with experience in partnership law.

  • 2022年1月8日


    A website design contract is a legal document that defines the terms and conditions between a client and a website designer. It is a crucial tool in managing expectations, outlining responsibilities, and ensuring that both parties are protected.

    In this article, we will cover the key elements that should be included in a website design contract.

    1. Scope of project

    The scope of the project outlines the specific services that will be provided by the web designer. This includes the number of pages, design elements, and features that will be included in the website.

    It is important to have a clear understanding of what is and isn`t included in the project to avoid any miscommunications or additional fees down the line.

    2. Timeline

    The timeline should outline the estimated start and completion dates of the project. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of when the project is expected to be completed and delivered.

    It is important to note that unexpected delays can occur, and the timeline should include a clause that outlines the consequences of missed deadlines.

    3. Payment terms

    Payment terms are one of the most critical aspects of a website design contract. It outlines the payment schedule and the total cost of the project.

    It is essential to be clear on the payment schedule to avoid any confusion or missed payments. Additionally, the contract should include details regarding payment methods and what happens if payments are not received on time.

    4. Intellectual property

    The intellectual property clause outlines who retains ownership of the website design, content, and any associated materials. It should also specify how the materials can be used and if any attribution is necessary.

    It is essential to include this clause to protect the designer`s work and ensure that the client has a clear understanding of ownership and usage rights.

    5. Revisions and changes

    The revisions and changes clause outlines the number of revisions and changes that can be made to the website design. It should also specify the process for requesting changes and any additional fees that may be incurred.

    It is important to include this clause to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the revision process and how it may impact the project timeline and cost.

    In conclusion, a website design contract is a critical tool for both the client and designer. It outlines expectations, responsibilities, and protects both parties throughout the project. Be sure to include all the essential elements outlined above to ensure a successful and stress-free website design project.

  • 2022年1月5日


    When it comes to real estate, entering into a contract is often exciting, as it can lead to the purchase or sale of a property. However, situations may arise where you need to get out of a real estate contract. Whether it is due to unexpected life changes or financial challenges, here are some ways to get out of a real estate contract:

    1. Review the contract terms: Before taking any action, take the time to carefully read the contract terms and conditions. Look for any clauses that may allow for termination of the agreement. For example, a financing contingency clause may allow you to terminate the contract if you are unable to secure financing.

    2. Negotiate with the other party: If you are looking to get out of the contract due to a change in your financial circumstances, consider negotiating with the other party. For example, you could ask for a lower purchase price or a longer closing date to give you more time to secure financing.

    3. Use the inspection contingency: Most real estate contracts include an inspection contingency clause. This clause allows you to back out of the contract if the inspection reveals significant issues with the property. However, keep in mind that minor issues may not be enough to terminate the contract.

    4. Seek legal advice: If you are unable to find a way out of the contract on your own, consider seeking legal advice. A real estate attorney can guide you on the options available and help you negotiate with the other party.

    5. Consider forfeiting the deposit: If all else fails, forfeiting the deposit is one way to get out of the contract. However, keep in mind that this may not be the best option as you will lose the deposit and may still be liable for damages.

    In conclusion, getting out of a real estate contract is never easy, but understanding your options and seeking the right advice can help make the process smoother. Remember that real estate contracts are legally binding, so it is important to carefully review the terms and conditions before signing.